Pesto pasta with dough balls | first vegan meal.

So with all the intolerances I have today I actually had a vegan meal!! I mean I’ve always said vegan is a dirty word cause I just LOVE chicken and bacon but knowing I can have a meal like this still is pretty cool.  All of it is 100% gluten, wheat and dairy free.  Pesto pasta, with garlic doughballs, filled with vegan cheese!!  AV that mate!!  Continue reading Pesto pasta with dough balls | first vegan meal.


So I’ve known that I’m lactose intolerant for a while. And these days any time I eat bread I get so bloated and my stomach is so hard and painful. I can’t shit properly either.. So I’ve switched to gluten free bread and saw an improvement.. So here I am, self diagnosing myself with a gluten intolerance until I move back to Essex to my doctors where I can get it medically confirmed.  Everything is so much more fucking expensive though it’s so annoying!!!  Continue reading Intolerance 


I’ve experienced genuine heartbreak today.  Last night I got in around 3, sat on the sofa and ordered kebab.. I woke up 5 hours later with a voicemail letting me know it’s outside the house. Cold. Wasted. Alone.  I now will never know how good that chicken kebab and chips could have been 😭😭 Continue reading Heartbreak

I am the most excited human being!!!!!

So I ordered the Kiehl’s clay face masque the other day, it’s arrived and I have never been so excited to wash my face!  Tonight I will wash, and bask in the glory of this masque and tell you all about it.  I ain’t gun a bullshit you I purely bought this because of the hype Kiehl’s has been getting recently, so I just thought I’d see what the fuss was about.  I got sucked into that JorgObé peel off mask last year, and let me tell you it’s a hunk of fucking shit. That shit tears my skin to … Continue reading I am the most excited human being!!!!!

Hollywood is stupid.

I’ve really got into The Girl with All the Gifts so I looked up if there’s been a film made of it, and there’s one coming out in September!  Got super excited until I saw the cast.  Erm, hello Miss Justineau is described as a beautiful black woman in the book. It literally states that her skin is as black and Melanie’s is white.  So WHY have they cast actresses of opposite colours for the characters in the film?  The kind soul is now white and the child ravaged with a flesh eating disease is black..  Yeah make sense of … Continue reading Hollywood is stupid.

Just dyed my hair, spent half an hour drying it, sat in front of my mirror, which is next to my window. Topless.  I finish and realise the whole time the guy across the road could see me from his house, and had been watching while smoking a fag..  Excuse me while I just die. Fuck sake Continue reading